Monday, October 02, 2006


According to an article by Geoff Elliott, Washington correspondent, in The Australian News, Muslim taxi drivers in Minnesota have declared jihad on duty-free, refusing to carry passengers who are carrying alcohol.

To say that this ban has created chaos is putting it very mildly, considering that ¾ of the taxi drivers at the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport are Somali and primarily Muslim.

And of course, in yet another jellyfish reaction to the refusal of immigrants to our shores to adapt to OUR way of life, the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport officials are working with the taxi drivers to, if you can believe this, install color coded lights on the cabs so that it’s immediately evident which cabs are “booze friendly”.

Here’s the deal, folks. A taxicab is a LICENSED COMMON CARRIER and, as such, the driver of a taxicab cannot refuse service to ANYONE based on race, creed, or religion! If these Somali taxi drivers were refusing to carry blacks, whites, Hispanics or Democrats, they’d have their licenses yanked in a heartbeat!

The Somali taxicab drivers are claiming this to be a “religious issue”. If it’s against their religion to fulfill the terms of their employment as licensed PUBLIC carriers, perhaps they ought to find another line of work or return to the arid, jobless, starving homeland from whence you came and take your arrogance, racism and bigotry with you!

Trying to force American citizens to conform to the religious beliefs of ANYONE ELSE is un-American in the extreme. In fact, it might be quite possible to stretch the point that the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport officials are in violation of the "establishment" clause!

What’s next? Female flight attendants or passengers being raped because they aren’t wearing the burka and are, therefore, according to Islam, whores? It’s happening in Scandinavia and given this news article, it isn’t far away here!

I don’t know about you, but I have had ENOUGH of this bullshit from these people. I don’t intend to submit my 64-year-old Catholic female self to THEIR religion and their beliefs – now or ever. And no AMERICAN citizen should ever have to or be expected to do so.

If you want to come here, know in advance that you are coming to a country where your religious beliefs will be respected – and we expect you to do likewise for all other religions practiced by other Americans. If you cannot do that, not only do you not belong here, we don’t want you!


Anonymous said...

Interesting. Christian pharmacists who do not want to dispense birth control because it interferes with their religious beliefs are told they have to because they serve the public. Driving a cab is no different. The only difference between the two stories is that Christianity is not considered a part of "multiculturalism."

Unknown said...

Oh you are SO right on!

Now if we can just get the LEFT half of America to think like you do, we might win this war.

We like your style. Keep telling it like it is!

shoprat said...

Fine if they want to do that, then they don't get the tip money either. It's their loss. Another cabbie will get the fare and eat just a little better.

pam is right. Christian pharmacists also have the right if they are willing to accept financial loss from lost sales, and I would be willing to take the loss.

The problem is the double standard. We have respect them but they won't respect us. If respect was mutual I would be more understanding.

Anonymous said...

Haha. What fucking planet do you live on, Pam? For miles and miles around certian areas, Christian pharmacists have refused to carry birth control, and no one forces them to do so.