I have a friend, a longtime friend of 30 years, to whom I have always been supportive and kind. She, on the other hand, has committed a number of non-friend offenses, going back to the early 90s when we both were at a law firm in Los Angeles. She couldn't understand why the other secretaries disliked her so much. Here's the clue - they disliked her because they liked me and were offended by her talking about me disparagingly behind my back!
So now here we are, a goodly number of years later - and not much has changed. Someone she once worked with, an intelligent woman who drinks like a fish and becomes maudlin and sloppy after she indulges in her nightly habit, is staying with us and suddenly, I am like a bad smell in our household. My "friend" feels perfectly free to laugh at me, insult me and generally act as though I have no right to live. She is actually offended that I don't help her clean her house - clean up messes SHE has made! Yeah, right, like that's going to happen!
So what I'm thinking is this: I'm going to get a job that pays me enough money that I can pay off some bills, pay a mover and resettle myself in a place where I feel comfortable and loved.
My question is this: Does this "friend" deserve to ever hear from me again once that is done?
My present stance is "Hell no!"
Just saying.
Quoted you at my blog. Seems you've given up?
An instructive post. People to really know who they want to reach and why or else, they'll have no way to know what they're trying to achieve. People need to hear this and have it drilled in their brains..
Thanks for sharing this great article.
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