Wednesday, July 26, 2006


“To put it bluntly, Republicans support Bolton's nomination precisely because of his clarity of thought and speech -- and his unapologetic representation of America's interests. Democrats oppose him because they sympathize with the negative view of Bolton held by foreign envoys who have anything but the best interests of the United States in mind. If it bothers you that we have a staunch defender of America's interests serving as our ambassador to the United Nations and believe, instead, that we should routinely subordinate our interests to other nations openly hostile to us and contemptuous of the very idea of human rights, then you, too, should join the liberal chorus against confirmation of this fine public servant.” (David Limbaugh)

This country is our home and our responsibility and John Bolton takes his duties to both seriously. He has no patience with fools and knaves and heaven knows the U.N. is almost entirely populated with those.

Mr. Bolton does not consider it worthwhile for our nation to take moral advice from such financially and morally bankrupt nations as France, or human rights advice from someplace like China, Cuba or Libya – all flagrant human rights violators.

When is it supposed to have become passé to believe in this country – its purpose and promise? If one listened to most Democrats, this is no longer politically correct. And folks, if that is political correctness then I say – screw political correctness.

This nation is the hope of the world – and always has been. The minute we allow ourselves to forget our origins and our hopes for the future, that hope will be doomed, for ourselves and for others around the world.

If we can’t just kick these world-weary cynics out of our country altogether (and I wish we would), then John Bolton is the next best temporary measure. It is high time this great nation stopped apologizing for itself and started standing tall and proclaiming that if they don’t like us, they don’t have to meet here or take our money any longer!

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