Friday, April 09, 2010


The "tool in chief" had this to say in responding to Gov. Sarah Palin's criticism of his nuclear policy:

Obama: Palin's No Expert on Nuclear Strategy
Obama was responding to a comment Palin made on Fox News' "Hannity," comparing the president's plan to a kid asking to be punched in the face on the playground and vowing not to hit back.
Sarah Palin is no nuke expert, President Obama said Thursday in a TV interview, responding to Palin's criticism of Obama's new nuclear strategy. Obama was asked about a comment the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee made on Fox News' "Hannity," comparing the president's plan to a kid asking to be punched in the face on the playground and vowing not to hit back.

"Last I checked, Palin's not an expert on nukes," Obama told ABC News. "If the secretary of defense and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are comfortable, I'll take my advice from them and not Sarah Palin."

With all due respect, Mr. President, neither are you an expert! And your sophomoric ignorance and inabilities are endangering our nation!

UPDATE: Leave it to our Sarah!

Palin: "Now, the President, with all the vast nuclear experience he acquired as a community organizer, a part-time Senator and a full-candidate -- all that experience, still, no accomplishment to date with North Korea and Iran."

You go girl!

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