Monday, February 26, 2007


For fatuous, self-congratulatory, shallow idiocy - you cannot beat the Annual Academy Awards broadcast and last night was no exception.

I have to say that giving an Academy Award to that sanity-impaired, bloated, bloviating, slide-show-producing lisping bonehead who used to be Vice President of the United States destroys into infinity any possibility of ever respecting any nomination for documentary.

Ellen deGeneres was clearly out of her element. The acceptance speech by that Italian composer (entirely in Italian) was the unintentionally hilarious highlight of the show. The look on Clint Eastwood's face was priceless.

Tip to performers who actually HAVE figures - we don't need to see your superstructure nearly bouncing out of the top of your gown! A little mystery please.

I adore Helen Mirren and respect Forrest Whittaker. Alan Arkin won for being around forever. It's long past time that Martin Scorcese won.

Beyond that, the entire show was boring, utterly banal and hardly something to encourage attendance at movies. I actually DVRd the show and zipped through it quickly this morning. My NetFlix subscription looks better and better to me all the time!


Kitty said...

I didn't watch. In fact, I never watch the Oscars. I like to check out the fashions the next day, but that's about it. These days it's mostly political. Just look at what won. Algore's so-called documentary? Forrest Whittaker in a movie nobody has seen about the brutal Ugandan dictator Idi Amin's regime? Yeah, now there's a real winner .. not. And you got that right about Alan Arkin. However he was GREAT in the original THE IN-LAWS.

Gayle Miller said...

Thanks for stopping by, Kitty. I agree.

Gayle Miller said...

Awwwwwwww, HNAV, that's so NICE.

Anonymous said...

And yet, you found time in your obviously very full life to watch.