Tuesday, November 23, 2010


A newly-elected Florida congresswoman, a Democrat, wants the soon-to-be Speaker of the House to change the rules governing the wearing of hats - for her benefit!

Isn't that just like a Dem - wanting the rules to apply to everyone but herself!

Like other freshman lawmakers, newly elected Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson ran for Congress on a vow to change Washington. But her first order of business has nothing to do with health care, education or the usual mix of issues that come up in the early days of a new Congress.

Instead, Wilson's first goal is to overturn a rule that blocks her from wearing a hat on the House floor. The freshman Democrat is pressing incoming House Speaker John Boehner to overturn the rule, which dates back to the 1800s, or at least to make an exception for her. But it's unclear whether Boehner -- who, in any event, will likely have plenty of priorities ahead of a rule-change request from a member of the opposition party -- could do anything, shy of a full floor vote, to overturn the House's hat ban.

Madam Congress Critter - you do what you want when you aren't on the people's dime; you were elected to Congress to govern, not subject us to a fashion show!

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