Wednesday, September 13, 2006


In today’s Washington Post, Dana Milbank has his knickers in a knot (which seems to be an on-going condition with him) because Rep. Boehner (R-OH) mused that he occasionally “wondered” if his colleagues on the Democratic side of the aisle were more interested in protecting terrorists than they were in protecting Americans. News flash to Milbank: A lot of American citizens wonder the same thing on an almost daily basis!

The Democrats’ record on defending American security is astoundingly pathetic. (See earlier post with the list of attacks perpetrated during the Clinton presidency.) And when the opportunity came to protect American secret information, the President of the United States fumbled badly – at the behest and fevered urging of the mainstream media. In November 2000, WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON vetoed the Intelligence Authorization Act, 2001. This Act would have made it a CRIME for government employees to disclose classified information to the public.

Milbank tries to make the case that Republicans always accuse Democrats of treachery and failure to protect our nation’s security in order to win elections. Since the Democrats are famous for their national security failures, my feeling is, there’s no reason not to point it out! Republicans who point out their opponents’ weak record on national security are engaged in definition of character (or lack thereof) rather than any presumed defamation. I don’t believe it was Republicans who started the inaccurate and defamatory (not to mention, infantile) chant “Bush Lied, People Died”, despite the fact that it has been proven over and over again that what President Bush was accused of saying had never even been said. And despite the fact that we have been finding multitudes of WMD carefully concealed in Iraq, if you ask a Democrat (or the MSM) – there weren’t any! Don’t even get me started on the widespread enabling of the perfidious fantasies of Joe Wilson and his CIA-employee (but not covert agent) wife, Valerie Plame. Joe Wilson couldn’t even prepare an accurate report on his spouse-arranged trip to Niger; subsequent documents found in Iraq definitely prove that Saddam Hussein WAS seeking yellowcake! Talk about your gang that cannot shoot straight.

The bottom line is, once again, any criticism of the completely amoral and self-serving acts by many, many Democrats on behalf of their own political careers and nothing else, is considered by them to be a questioning of their patriotism. In my view, I think that is a legitimate exercise for all of us, regarding ALL candidates. Is the safety and security of the American homeland and its citizens the first priority of this candidate? If your answer is “yes” – vote for them regardless of party affiliation!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes Yes Yes a million times yes. But will anything happen to stop them? Nope. Nice article. Thanks for visiting Right Truth. Come back any time, the door is always open.