Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Ever since the 2004 election, Democrats have been falling over themselves trying to find new ways to insult the duly and legally elected President of the United States. (And I don’t want to hear from any moonbats claiming any kind of election fraud anywhere – all that gibberish has been proven FALSE for both 2000 and 2004 – deal with it!)

Last night I was sitting in my easy chair, enjoying “Dancing With The Stars” and it came to me once again – every time a Democrat insults my President, they insult ME and I am really out of patience with any and all people who feel they have the right to insult me. And I bet I’m not the only person who feels that way.

Whether you like it or not, Democrats, 62,040,606 Americans voted for George W. Bush for a second term. Only 59,028,109 voted for John Kerry, the legend in his own mind from Massachusetts.

Life lesson to the radical leftwingnut crybabies: There are consequences to everything you say and DO. When you insult 52% of the American population on a regular basis, they are NOT going to feel much like voting for you.

And by the way – I feel perfectly secure in saying this because the Dems wouldn’t believe what I’m saying anyway. If it isn’t fed to them on Sesame Street or Larry King Live, it isn’t happening.


As if there weren't enough bad news out there for the Dems (gas prices dropping hourly, President Bush in a feisty mood, 9/11 remembrance, surging economy), this news ought to cause them to moisten their BVDs: According to the AP Economics Writer Martin Crutsinger, the Treasury's Budget Report shows that the Federal Deficit has dropped 14.1 Percent!

I'm thinking it must really suck to be a Democrat these days!



Anonymous said...

I saw a poll today on Fox asking if Dems won the Whitehouse do you think they could protect us against terrorism (not verbatim). The result was something like 56% said NO. I will try to find the actual poll and results. So if the election comes down to terrorism or economics, Republicans win hands down.

Kerry to run again? Gore to run again? BWahahahahahahahah Good news for Republicans

Gayle Miller said...

Since we have just been through the COLDESST summer since 1936, Al Gore is once again looking as brainless as he always was!