Thursday, August 03, 2006


If Ned Lamont had any character or class, he would withdraw from the race in protest of the tactics employed by the NetRoots/Kos Kids crazies (including the Jane Hamsher "blackface" incident) in their opposition to Senator Joseph Lieberman.

By remaining in the race, Ned Lamont is giving tacit approval to some of the most offensive, un-American and despicable campaign behavior I have observed in 64 years!
Shame on those who are perpetrating this disgrace and even MORE shame on you to Ned Lamont for not showing his disgust and withdrawing from the race. Is your ambition more important to you than your moral values? Apparently we are about to find out.

1 comment:

Gayle Miller said...

That seems to be a trend with Bill Clinton - whenever he appears for a Dem candidate it seems to hurt them. Same applies to the Kos endorsements. So I'm hoping he will endorse Lamont.

Joe Lieberman is a decent man and the kind of Democrat I remember from my youth.