Thursday, April 03, 2008


As always she is trying really, really hard to sabotage a Democratic victory in the general election this Fall, an aim against which I cannot argue. Nancy Pelosi, just had to run her ignorant and disrespectful mouth, presuming to tell General Petraeus, in advance, what his testimony will be before Congress next week and how she won't like it - - once again her imagination is outrunning her ability to think in a coherent fashion. And for a change, the Republican minority leader Boehner of Ohio slapped her down and did it expeditiously and thoroughly.

Nancy, I hate to tell you this but you would never make it for 10 seconds in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard or Marines (and for sure you wouldn't survive the nuns who taught me in high school back in the day) because you are an effete, cowardly, San Francisco values (which means no values whatsoever) cretin whose few remaining brain cells have been calcified by excessive use of Botox!

My scant comfort is that between abortion-on-demand and excessive birth control, there will be very few of these leftist louts left within another generation or so!

UPDATE: I knew I was on to something!

"Botox May Move From Face to Brain, Study in Rats Says (Update1)

By Elizabeth Lopatto

April 1 (Bloomberg) -- Botulinum neurotoxin type A, sold as Allergan Inc.'s Botox remedy for wrinkles, can move from its injection site to the brain, a study shows."


Sissy Willis said...

I think you're on to something! :-)

Anonymous said...

As a former, R.T.L. (yep, Right To Life) county president & state member... I used to get this question from liberals.
"If you don't believe in abortion, why do you believe in capitol punishment? Isn't it the same thing?"
Well... first of all, babies are innocent and the parents already made the decision to have one, or they would have used contracepton. They deserve to life. They ARE alive and have done no wrong.
On the the other hand, "Capitol Punihment" puts to death, people who have done a horrible deed to often, innocent victims. They have decided to kill for their pleasure, gain or who knows, their next drug fix. They are not innocent. In my mind, they deserve to die. Child abusers have ruined the innocent little lives of children, unusally many children and there is no cure. Child Abusers deserve to die. Regardless of what our Supreme Court says at this time. So really how could anyone not think about that question enough to not even need to ask it?

And for people who love Planned Parenthood so much. Please read the live history of Margaret Sangor. She is the creator or the phrase, "Every child a wanted child..." but P.P. stopped there. Check it out and see for yourself what the rest of her prase REALLY was. It didn't end there. When you find it, please do post it. No wonder P.P. only uses the first part. They don't want to be known as racists.

See if you can find her whole statement. I dare ya!