Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Once again we have been distracted from a major power grab by the Obama administration.

During the last day the House was in session before leaving for its August recess, Rep. Ed Markey's staff introduced HR 3458, the so-called "Internet Freedom Preservation Act," which would essentially enable government control of the Internet, treating the networks as a government-managed utility. (For more information about "net neutrality," read this interview that one of the key "net neutrality" supporters gave to a Canadian socialist publication.) The Markey legislation is considered the last piece of what some conservatives consider to be Democrat and progressive attempts to control the Internet and limit citizens' ability to use the networks to organize and oppose their agenda.

The bill was introduced the same week it was revealed that the Obama Commerce Department was demanding from the phone and cable companies highly detailed data about private citizens' Internet and broadband connections as part of plans of "map" broadband networks across the country.

It was also revealed the White House had put in place a plan to collect email addresses of citizens who opposed the administration's health reform proposal, and then last week we learned that the Obama administration had negotiated deals with companies like Google and YouTube to collect and provide citizens' personal data.

We're heading down the road folks - at double time. You can start by kissing your First Amendment protections adios!

H/T Curmudgeonly and Skeptical

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