LOW (so far)!
Over the weekend, a group of despicable leftwing (and some conservative, I’m sorry to say) critics have accused Senator John McCain of war crimes for bombing targets in
Senator McCain has been accused of "disloyalty" during his captivity in
I do not blame ALL liberals for this calumny. More, I blame Jay Rockefeller, Wesley Clark, and all the other gutless wonders on the Left who hate the military that keeps them free to speak despicable calumnies against a man who, while I may not be overjoyed with his conservative credentials, still is a man to be absolutely respected and admired for his service to our nation. Wesley Clark should know better, but of course, he is driven by cowardice, envy, ambition and greed on his best day! General Clark is the Left’s poster boy for military sedition and in my opinion entirely too stupid to realize that he is being used for un-American purposes.
If any part of this election is about the ability to understand and support our military while they protect us from barbaric lunatics, nobody with double digit IQ scores would support Barack Hussein Obama, a man with no experience, no qualifications and no competence in this (or any other) area.
If you can only speak sedition and disloyalty to this nation that protects your right to be an asshole or you feel the burning need to impugn the character of a man whose shoes you aren't fit to touch, keep your freaking mouths SHUT dammit! And yes, this has really ticked me off!UPDATE: The exceptional Mary Katherine Hamm has this to say, today: [re: McCain's response] Not nearly barbed enough for my liking. Don't play the "he's distracting you with unnecessary attacks" game. Go all out, John! This calls for the righteous indignance you normally reserve for conservatives!
NOTE TO SENATOR McCAIN: Don't make the mistakes made by Bob Dole against the Clintons. Being a gentleman is nice at a tea dance or when courting a woman as spectacular as your wife Cindy. Up against a snake like Senator Obama - full bore boogie, son!