April 19, 1775 - The "Shot Heard Round the World" - the Battle of Lexington and Concord. Too many Americans fail to know our nation's real history. Fewer still appreciate how very fortunate we are to be part of this great country.
Today is a good day to give thanks for our bounty as Americans.
Our real nation's history. Hmm.
Like the man you quote on the front of your blog was an anti-Christian bigot?
How about backing that up, paul!
If you know our nation's real history, you don't need me to. It's pretty commonly known. See Eric Foner's Tom Paine and Revolutionary America for good read on Paine, if you're done with A Brilliant Solution.
Now Jefferson, eh? Talk about a blind to one's own character, inherited or married into everything he had, then was constantly in debt (to the hated British), former darling of historians but now sadly out of style and used to lay down the sins of slavery founding father.
How about a self-made founder?
In Burrows and Wallace's Gotham, pp. 397-8, this is written:
In 1804 Elihu Palmer ... drafted [Paine] to write artilces on religion .... Paine obliged with a series of forceful essays that reiterated his belief in God but emphasized that a narrow-minded, dogmatic, bigoted Christianity was inconsistent with a pluralistic and democratic republic.
... in the last month of life, Paine was harried by devout visitors, determined to save his soul with an eleventh-hour converstion. Once two Presbyterian ministers pushed their way in, only to be rebuffed. "Let me have none of your popish stuff," the invalid declared. "Get away with you, good morning, good monrning." He would be badgered one last time, in his final waking moments on June 8, 1809, when the attending doctor asked: "Do you wish to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of Gold?" "I have no wish to believe on that subject," he replied. Paine's theological and political adversaries did not give up, however, and spread rumors that he had undergone a deathbed conversion.
I'm sure you know about how your friend Jefferson resembles Pelosi in traitorous meddling:
"[French ambassador Citizen Genet] wanted to strike blows against Spanish and British possessions in North America and was ready to hire secre agents for that purpose. Jefferson became his clandestine accomplice when he furnished Genet with a letter introducting a French botanist named Andre Michaux to the governor of Kentucky."
"Michaux planned to arm Kentuckians and stir up frontier settlements in Spanish Louisiana. Jefferson's aid violated to policy of neutrality and made Hamilton's unauthorized talks with George Becwith seem like tame indiscretions in comparison." (Alexander Hamilton, by Ron Chernow, at 437)
What a loyal secretary of state Jefferson was, no wonder you put his quotes on your site!
And if you think this was an aberration, it wasn't. The guy was loyal only to his own interests.
More on your friend:
"At one stroke, Jefferson heaped herathless abuse on a sick man and invertaed reality. Not only did Hamilton have yellow fever, but he had shown outstanding valor during the Revolution while Jefferson, as Virginia governor, had cravenly fled into the woods before advancing British troops." Chernow, 450
Was Jefferson afraid the Brits were there to collect on their loans to him?
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